Greetings WebMaster! Our records show that you are the contact person for
The McKinley Group was founded in 1993 by a team of international publishers, technologists and information specialists. We are committed to delivering the best navigational and informational directory for the Internet. Our reviews of WWW, FTP, and gopher sites, as well as mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups have appeared in print and online form, as well as CD-ROM. In addition, these site reviews will be republished as part of licensing agreements with Time Warner's Pathfinder, AT&T, The Microsoft Network, IBM, Europe Online, NYNEX, and other information providers. Your site has excelled in our rigorous review process, in which we consider three primary factors: depth of content, ease of exploration, and Net appeal.
As an award winning site, we encourage you to display your 3-Star logo proudly.
In addition, we have gotten many requests from webmasters who want to offer visitors a direct link to our powerful search engine. The following HTML code will add a form that enables anyone at your site to search Magellan directly. If you feel that this would be a benefit for you and your users, please feel free to utilize it.
Congratulations again on your 3-Star award! We wish you continued success in all of your online endeavors.
The McKinley Group, Inc.
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