Drinkwater, Jennie M.
Fifteen: A Story For Girls. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1882.

Dunbar, Paul Laurence, Illustrated by Photographs. Candle-Lightin' Time. [MA]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Lyrics of The Hearthside. [Alice C. Morse]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Lyrics of Love and Laughter. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co, 1907 [Alice C. Morse]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Lyrics of Lowly Life [Alice C. Morse]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. When Malindy Sings [MA]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Poems of Cabin and Field [Alice C. Morse]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. L'il Gal [MA]
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Howdy Honey Howdy [Will Jenkins]
Eddy, Mary Baker. Poems. Trustees Under The Will. Boston 1910. [William Dana Orcutt]
Emerson, Evalyn. Sylvia ; The Story of an American Countess. Small, Maynard & Co. 1901 Hard Cover. Maroon cloth boards stamped in gilt, includes 12 plates by different artists portraying Sylvia, "the most beautiful woman in Europe", and a prize coupon for judging which depiction is the most beautiful.
Fielding, Henry.
Joseph Andrews. London, Geo. Bell, 1906. Signed leather binding-AM
(Alice C. Morse?). This
binding, though late for an ACM design and published in England,
appears to be from plates recycled from an earlier series. Please
excuse the bad camera flash that obscures the "A" in the
signature (bottom left). At some point I'll take a better picture
for the catalog.
Ford, Paul Leicester, Illustrated by Armstrong, Margaret. Love Finds the
Way. [MA]
Ford, Paul Leicester, B&W Illustrations By Harrison Fisher. A Checked Love Affair and The Cortelyou
Feud. Dodd Mead and Company, 1903. [signed GWE, George Wharton Edwards]
Ford, Paul Leicester, illustartions by Howard Chandler Christy Decorations by Margaret Armstrong.
Wanted a Matchmaker. Dodd Mead, NY 1900. In dj with MA design.
Ford, Paul Leicester. Illustrated by Henry Hutt. His Version of It. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company. 1905. In dj with Hutt illust.. [Theodore Brown Hapgood]
Ford, Paul Leicester. Tattle Tales of Cupid Told by PLF. New York Dodd, Mead & Co 1898. [Alice C. Morse]

Fothergill, Jessie. The First Violin, illustrated by
G. W. Brenneman. 2 vols. in gold blocked black cloth with original cloth dust wrappers and slipcase.
Brentano's, 1896. Also see the copy below:
Attributed to Lee Thayer (DD) by John Lehner in TBR #4, March 1992.
Charles Gullans felt that the
release date of this design was a few months too early to be a DD
production and the 1840's derivation of the style
indicated late work by an older
designer. He suggested (in a letter to John Lehner) that it
might be by H. L. Parkhurst, who is known to have designed the
signed binding below for this edition, which is also in this
collection. Note the enlarged detail image of the HLP monogram.  
Above: the H. L.
Parkhurst binding on this edition, which is in matching beige cloth
dust wrappers.
Lehner's points are more compelling. In a recent
e-mail to me, he wrote "The lettering is the best overall example of the early DD
work...dingbats, a
flamed L, the cross bars pushed to the top, dingbatted o's, the graceful R, the diagonal
part of the N intersecting RHS above the bottom corner. Just wonderful. Not to mention the
Lee Thayer repeat design using one of her favorite leaf forms.. a gothicky leaf based on the
thistle, used on other works such as Red Cap Tales, and the
TYCrowell reprint of
Kenilworth by Scott ca. 1900 and finally, The Strathmore Quality Book Paper sample book
where she uses them on the cover, tp, and borders to introduce each type of paper, changing the two colors."
I agree with
Gullans about the 1840's reference, but the
reinterpretation like this of earlier motifs was not uncommon
among the younger designers. The repeat design is reminiscent of
Will Bradley's work that year, as in his 1896 design for The
Quest of the Golden Girl. Bradley's 1898 design for The Romance
of Zion Chapel also used the tilde instead of a dash,
superscript letters, and a mix of Roman and Italic. As we
see in many other books in this exhibition, the designers swiped
each others' ideas freely, making attribution of unsigned bindings
tricky (and even of some signed bindings, like the "H"
on The Garden of Allah).
Fothergill, Jessie. The First Violin.
New York, Hurst & Company, n.d., no copyright notice. After
1905, based on booklist in back. All books were 35 cents or 3 for
$1. [signed, DD]
Fox, John Jr. Blue-grass and Rhododendron Out-doors in Old Kentucky. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901. [MA]
Garland, Hamlin. Hesper. Illustrated by illus. By E. W. Deming. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1903. Also, the not illustrated Harpers edition of the same year in a slight variant binding.
Goodsell, Daniel A. Nature and Character at Granite Bay. New
York, Eaton & Mains, 1901.
Gosse, Edmund. In Russet & Silver. Chicago: Stone & Kimball 1895. [Will Bradley]
Grant, Robert. Unleavened Bread. NY: Scribners, 1900. [MA]
Greene, Sarah P. McLean. Vesty of the Basins. New York: Harper & Bros. 1892.
Hall, James Norman and Charles Bernard Nordhoff. Faery Lands of the South
Seas. New York. Harper and Brothers Pub. 1921. [signed DD] Two versions, one in gold on green cloth, one in yellow on black cloth.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Marble Faun. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1899. 2 vol. Set in red cloth djs. (Sarah Wyman Whitman design). Also another set of the same edition with a gold statue on the cover.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Twice Told Tales. Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry
& Co, n.d.
Henley, William Ernest. Hawthorn and Lavender. Harper and Brothers NY 1901.
[Henry Thayer, signed DD]
Reproduced full page in Gullans and Espey, "American Trade Bindings and their Designers," Collectible Books: Some New Paths, Jean Peters, ed. R.R. Bowker, 1979, p. 51, plate 4.
Henry, O. Heart of the West. New York: Mclure Co. 1907.
Herrick (Robert) Selections from the Poetry of Robert Herrick, with drawings by Edwin A. Abbey. New York Harper & Bros 1882. [Edwin A. Abbey]
Hichens,Robert, Barbary Sheep. NY: Harpers, 1907.
[signed, Rachel Robinson]
Hichens, Robert. The Garden of Allah. Several editions
from Stokes and Grosset showing the changes in design of the covers and the dj's as photos, then films were used as illustrations.
Hichens, Robert. The Holy Land. Illustraterd by Jules Guérin
and by photographs. New York, The Century Company, October, 1910.
[signed DD]
Holley, Marietta. Samantha vs. Josiah. Illus. Bart Haley. New
York and London, Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1906.
Holmes , Oliver Wendell Year Book. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1894. [SW Whitman]
Holmes, Mrs. Mary. Rosamond. New York: Hurst & Company ca. 1900.
Hornung, E.W. No Hero. NY: Scribners, 1903. [Amy Richards ]
Howells, W. D. A Boy's Town Described for Harper's Young People
Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's School Days. Philadelphia, Henry Altemus, 1895.
Irving, Washington. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. [MA]

Irving, Washington. The Alhambra. In Two Volumes. "Darro
Edition." NY, Putnams, 1891. In cloth dj's and slipcase. [Alice C. Morse]
Irving, Washington. Chronicle of the Conquest of
Granada. Author's revised edition. Agapida edition. 2 volumes. NY, Putnam's Sons 1893. . [Alice C. Morse]
Isham, Frederic S., Illustrated by Harrison Fisher. Black Friday. NY: Grosset & Dunlap, 1904. . [Rome K. Richardson].
Isham, Frederic Stewart. Black Friday. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1904. [Rome K. Richardson].
Helen Hunt. Ramona. Introduction by Susan Coolidge. Illustrated
by Henry Sandham. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1900. Volume I only
of two, with cloth dust jacket. Signed SAM [Amy M. Sacker}.

James, George Wharton. Utah The Land of Blossoming Valleys.
Boston, The Page Company. First Impression, April 1922.[signed M c
M, Blanche McManus Mansfield]

Jewett, Sarah O. The Country Of The Pointed Firs. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1896.
[Sarah Wyman Whitman]
Kingsley, Florence Morse.
The Transfiguration of Miss Philura. New York & London, Funk & Wagnall's. Two editions of different size with variations of the Margaret Armstrong design, one gold and white stamping on turquoise cloth published May, 1901 (left), the other pink and black on creamy yellow cloth, thirteenth edition published March, 1902.
Kipling, Rudyard. Poems, Ballads. Dodge 1899.
Kipling, Rudyard. Poems, Ballads, Ditties. Fenno 1899.
Kipling, Rudyard.
The Seven Seas. New York, Appleton, 1899. See entry below.
Kipling, Rudyard.
The Seven Seas. New York, Appleton, 1897. The binding is
not in as good condition as the copy above, but this copy includes the
original dust jacket, in pieces. This is important because the binding
is unsigned, but the monogram EMD is on the dj. The 1896 edition
included this monogram on the cover stamping.
Kipling, Rudyard. Soldiers Three. Caldwell, 1899.
Kitchin, William Copeman.
A Wonderland of the East.The Page Company, Boston 1920.
Laughlin, Clara. Milady. Revell, 1903 [FH]
Longfellow H.W. The Song of Hiawatha. Chicago: Smith-Andrews Publishing Company, 1898
Minnehaha Edition with illustrations.
Lowell, James Russell. Last Poems of James Russell Lowell. Boston Houghton 1895. [SW Whitman]
Lucas, Edw. V. The Open Road. Holt, 1905. [Bertha Stuart]
Reproduced in Gullans and Espey, "American Trade Bindings and their Designers," Collectible Books: Some New Paths, Jean Peters, ed. R.R. Bowker, 1979, p. 61, plate 8.
Lytton, Edward Bulwer. The Last Days of Pompeii. 2 Volumes Boston Estes & Lauriat, 1891.
Mabie, Hamilton Wright. A Child of Nature. Illus.Charles Louis
Hinton. New York: Dodd Mead and Company, First Edition, October,
1901. [unsigned, probably C.L. Hinton]

Mabie, Hamilton Wright. In Arcady, Illustrated by Will H, Low,
Decorations by Charles L. Hinton. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. 1903.
with dust jacket [unsigned, probably C.L. Hinton]
Mabie, Hamilton Wright. In the Forest of Arden, Illustrated by Will H, Low,
Decorations by Charles L. Hinton. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. 1900
(reference copy). [unsigned, probably Will H. Low]
Mabie, Hamilton W., 65 ills. By A & G Cowles. My Study Fire. NY Dodd, Mead
1899, and a better copy from 1901 [signed AM, Alice Cordelia Morse]

Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Under the Trees. Illus. and decorations
by Charles L. Hinton. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, First Edition,
October 1902. [signed C.L.H, Charles L. Hinton]

Markham, Richard.
Aboard The Mavis: New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1880.
Marshall, Edison. Frontis. By Douglas Duer. The Sky Line of Spruce. Boston, Little, Brown, 1922.
Marvel, Ik, Illustrated by Ashe, E. M.. Reveries of a Bachelor. Indianapolis: Bobbs - Merrill, 1906
Marvel, Ik (Mitchell, Donald G.). Over A Wood Fire From Reveries Of A
Bachelor. NY R.F.Fenno & Comapny 1907. [Will Schrank]
Mason Caroline Atwater. The Spell Of Italy. Boston: Page, 1909

Mayakawa, Masuji. Life of Japan. Baker & Taylor.
McGovern, Janet B. Montgomery. The Butterflies of Taiwan and other Fantasies.
New York: D. Appleton and Co. 1924.
McGovern, Janet B. Montgomery. The Butterflies of Taiwan and other Fantasies.
New York: D. Appleton and Co. 1924.
Merriman, Henry Seton, Illustrations By T. De Thulstrup. Roden's Corner. New York: Harper & Bros. 1898.
Michelson, Miriam, Illustrated by Harrison Fisher. In the Bishop's
Carriage. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill c1903-1904. [MA]
Miller, Alice Duer. Calderon's
Prisoner. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. October, 1903. [signed
Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd. Charles Scribners NY, 1901. [signed AR, Amy Richards]
Mitchell, J.A. The Pines of Lory. New York, Life Publishing Co.,
Morris, Gouverneur. Illustrated by J.C. Leyendecker and Bertha Stuart. The Voice in the Rice. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1910. [Bertha Stuart]
Morris, Gouverneur. Ellen and Mr. Man. NY Century, 1904.
Moyer, Alice Curtice. A Romance of the Road. Chicago: Laird & Lee 1912.
Murphy, Thomas D. Seven
Wonderlands of the American West. Illus. by Thomas Moran and Henry H.
Bagg. Boston: L.C. Page & Co. 1925 1st edn 1st prtg. Book near fine
in mended DJ. vii+352pgs. 32 color plates.
Murray, Charles Theodore. Mlle. Fouchette, a Novel of French Life. J.B. Lippincott London 1902.
Nicholson, Merdith. Ill. J.M. Flagg. The Little Brown Jug at Kildare. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, September, 1908. Earl Stetson Crawford design, with dj missing a few pieces. The same image is on the back of the dj.
Oppenheim, E. Phillips. A Prince of Sinners. Boston, Little, Brown. 1904. [signed DD]
Packard, Frank L. The Locked Book. New York: George H. Doran, 1924.
Page, Thomas Nelson, Illustrated by W. T. Smedley. Marse Chan: A Tale of Old Virginia. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1892. [Alice C. Morse]
Page, Thomas Nelson. On Newfound River. Charles Scribners NY 1906. [signed DD]
Page, Thomas Nelson. The Old Gentleman of the Black Stock. New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1900. [MA]
Page, Thomas Nelson. Under the Crust. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907.
Parker, Gilbert, Illustrated by Andre Castaigne. The Weavers - A Tale of England and Egypt Fifty Years Ago. Harper & Bros 1907. [signed DD]
Parsons, F., How To Know The Ferns. A Guide To The Names, Haunts, And Habits Of Our Common Ferns.
[MA in MA dj]
Parsons, Francis Theodora. According to Season. Charles Scribner's sons, 1902. [MA]
Paternoster, G. Sidney. The Motor Pirate. New York, Stitt
Publishing Co. (Grosset & Dunlap), 1905.
Peacock, Thomas Love. Maid Marian and Crotchet Castle. London
and New York, Macmillan 1895.
Penney, William Edward. Ballads of Yankee Land. New York: Thomas
Y. Crowell & Co., 1897.

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. A Chariot of Fire. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1910
[Bertha Stuart]
Pidgin, Charles Felton. The Further Adventures of Quincy Adams Sawyer
and Mason Corner Folks. Boston, L.C. Page & Company, First
Impression, May, 1909.
Pierson, Clara D. Among the Pond People. NY; Dutton, 1901. [signed F.C. Gordon]

Porter, Gene Stratton. Song of the Cardinal. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill,
1912. [MA]
Click on the cover to see a larger picture. The photo will open in a
new window.
Quayle, William A. God's Calendar. Cincinatti: Jennings and Graham, 1907.
Read, Opie. An Arkansas Planter. Rand Mcnally 1896.
[signed with seahorse symbol, W.H. Denslow]
Reed, Myrtle. At The Sign of the Jack O'Lantern [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. A Spinner in the Sun [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Flower in the Dusk [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. The Master's Violin [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Threads Of Grey And Gold [MA]
Reed, Myrtle, Illustrated by Dalton Stevens. The White Shield. New York And London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. [MA]
Reed, Myrtle, Illustrated by Color Frontis By A. G. Learned. A Weaver of
Dreams. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1911 [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Later Love Letters of a Musician. N .Y: Putnam, 1900. [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Lavender And Old Lace.
Reed, Myrtle. Love Affairs of Literary Men. NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Love Letters of a Musician. N .Y: Putnam. [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Master of the Vineyard [MA]
Reed, Myrtle. Old Rose & Silver [MA]
Richards, Laura E. Geoffrey Strong. Dana Estes Boston 1901. [signed
JWR, Julia Ward Richards, the author's daughter]. Quarter cloth binding
with paper sides, stamped spine and cover in midnight blue and gold.
Richards,Laura E. On Board the Mary
Sands. With Illustrations By Frank T.Merrill. Dana Estes Boston 1911. [Adrian Iorio]

Richards, Laura E. Love and Rocks. Estes & Lauriat, 1898.
Riley, James Whitcomb, b/w Illustrations. Songs of Home. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1910.
Roberts, Charles. The Kindred Of The Wild, A Book Of Animal Life. L.C.Page, Boston, May 1902. [Amy Sacker]
Roland, Marie. Edited, and with An Introduction by Edward Gilpin Johnson.
The Private Memoirs Of Madame Roland. Chicago McClurg 1901. [In dj with the same MA design]
Runkle, Bertha. The Helmet of Navarre. New York: The Century Co., 1901. [Alfred Brennan]
Sangster, Margaret. Janet Ward: A Daughter of the Manse. Fleming Revell, 1902
Scott, Sir. The Betrothed, A Tale Of The Crusaders. "Illustrated Holiday Edition." Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1894. With cloth dj.
Sears, Hamblen. None But the Brave. New York: Dodd Mead, 1902.
Seawell, Molly Elliot, Illustrated by Harrison Fisher. Francezka. Bobbs-Merrill Indianapolis (1902). [MA]
Service, Robert W., Illustrated by Charles L. Wrenn. Rhymes of a Red Cross
Man. New York: Barse & Hopkins, 1916
Service, Robert W. The Spell of the Yukon. Barse and Hopkins, 1915. [signed DD]
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley & Frank M. Gregory (illustrator). The Rivals. NY: Dodd, Mead & Co, 1893. [attributed
to George Wharton Edwards by John Lehner]
Singleton, Esther (Ed & trans.). Great Pictures As Seen And Described By Famous
Writers. Dodd, Mead, 1899. [Alice C. Morse]
Smith, F. Hopkinson. Caleb West, Master Diver. [signed FBS, Frank Berkeley Smith]
Smith, F. Hopkinson. The Tides Of Barnegat. New York, Scribners, 1906.
[signed FBS, Frank Berkeley Smith]
Smith, F. Hopkinson. The Wood Fire in No. 3. New York: Charles Scribners, 1915.
[signed FBS, Frank Berkeley Smith]
Smith, Goldwin. A Trip to England. MacMillan, 1906.
Springsteed, Anne Frances. The Expert Waitress: A Manual for the Pantry, kitchen, and Dining-Room.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady,et.al. Our Famous Women. An Authorized Record of the Lives and Deeds of Distinguished American Women of Our
Times. Unused salesman's sample book, and also three used copies in bindings represented by spines in the book, one full leather, one fairly plain cloth, and one decorated cloth.
Starr. How to Know the Wild Flowers. Scribner's, 1896. [MA]
Stimson, F.J. Mrs. Knollys and Other Stories. Scribner's, 1897. [MA]
Stockon, Frank R. The Girl At Cobhurst. Charles Scribner Sons 1898. [MA]
Stockton, Frank R. The Adventures of Captain Horn. New York: Charles Scribner, 1895. [MA]
Stockton, Frank R. Illus. A. B. Frost. The Associate Hermits. NY Harper and Brothers
Stockton, Frank, Illustrated by Ills by A. Forestier. Mrs. Cliff's Yacht [MA]
Stockton, Frank. John Gayther's Garden. NY Scribner 1902. [Evelyn W. Clark]
Harriet Beecher et.al. Our Famous Women. Hartford, A. D.
Worthington & Co, 1883-84. Salesman's sample book and three copies
in different bindings available to be ordered from this book. Pictures
above show the cover of the sample book and the inside of the front and
back covers, each with two available spine designs as mounted specimens. The front two are
plain and decorated cloth, the back two are extra fine leather and half
Stuart,Ruth McEnery, Illustrated by Edward Pottbast. Napoleon Jackson The Gentleman of the Plush Rocker.
NY: Century, 1902. [Henry Thayer, signed DD]
Stuart, Ruth McEnery. The River's Children. NY, Century, October, 1904.
Swift, Benjamin. The Destroyer. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1898
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