Pop Delusions
A House of Cards

Pop Delusions
A House of Credit Cards
(backed with Chinese money)
Richard Minsky, 2012
10" x 13¼" x 13¼"
Minsky's credit cards, Chinese paper money, 23K gold leaf,
binders' board, bookcloth, felt, linen tape, wood,
J. B. Green handmade paper, acrylic, US$10 bills.
A Shrine for the 1852 Edition of Charles Mackay's
Memoirs of
Extraordinary Popular Delusions
and the Madness of Crowds
Inside the house are two copies of the book, the 1852 edition
in the original binding by Burn of Hatton Garden,
and the 1963 printing of the 1932 L.C. Page edition with an introduction by Bernard Baruch, bound in Minsky's credit cards.

Pop Delusions was in the Beaten & Bound exhibition at the Lubeznik Center for the Arts
Michigan City, Indiana, May 26—Aug. 26, 2012
Limited Edition Poster
Click the image below

A book about of the creation of Pop Delusions
including an edition with a printed replica of the House of (Credit) Cards
click the image below

If process interests you, a photographic record of the construction on facebook includes the conceptual, technical and aesthetic decisions.