Can a Beauty
Pageant be a Work of Art?
by ArtWorld
January 19,

It had
suspense and high drama, with the region crashing just as the winner was
being announced. Frolic Mills
orchestrated a remarkable event, featuring avatar design, fashion, jewelry,
live performance art and music. The
architecture, created for this event by Patch Thibaud was perfectly suited to the
occasion, with Klieg lights, glitz, and an appropriately SL design, floating
high in the sky and open to the heavens.

Above: View from behind the judges'
chairs as we waited for the show to begin.
Market was there. The art of clothing design in SL has been taken up a
notch by this event, with many designers producing unique works
for the occasion.
contestants first appeared on the runway wearing a National
Costume, and gave a short speech about their country (a few lines
in chat). They were all gorgeous avatars, unique in character. The
dresses were spectacular. One of my favorites was Miss Hong Kong, Mui Kukerji, in a
dress by Nicky Ree, and jewelry by AlienBear
Gupte, who also designed the winner's crown and sceptre.
According to ducky, Alien Bear's creations are all prim work, with
no alpha textures.
Miss Brasil, Willamina Fitzgerald,
appeared in a skimpy feathered Carnival costume. A great feature
of SL is the unconstrained camera--below is a snapshot I took
backstage while she was relaxing, waiting her turn to come out on
the runway..

Above: Miss
Brasil, Willamina Fitzgerald
National Costume
Pena de Galo
designed by Fabiano Loll

Above: Miss Hong Kong, Mui Kukerji, in a
dress by Nicky Ree
