Kiss the Sky
Above: Selavy Oh. Soft Structure
Adam Ramona's sculpture had taken an empty space and encapsulated me when I
entered, the opposite happened when I walked down the steps into Selavy Oh's Soft
Structure. It rose to the sky and disappeared when I walked into it. I
did this three times, and each time it reformed differently.
To the left is a snapshot of this work leaving its platform
after I walked into it.
Nerd's Square Antiprism tower is a tentlike structure with flaps that
open gracefully when touched (clicked).
Nand's geometric work is also represented in this show with Great
Dodecahedron, a morphing object.

Angrybeth Shortbread, an early adopter of the SL platform
for the creation of interactive sculpture, has two musical works in this
exhibition. The one on the left is titled I am Note, We are Music,
and is a simple circle that I walked into and heard a note. This work
of art made me want someone else to play with, but I was the only avatar in
the sim. Next time I'll teleport a friend or two to come and see what sort
of music it makes.
other piece, Push-Tron, is a machine that creates sounds when you
push on the lower portion, which has spaces where three avatars can push in
each direction. I was able to push it easily, and it felt somewhat like
being in a music box, the old style with a tined wheel that is turned by a
crank. It's easy to imagine six avatars in a sort of
"tug-o-war" pushing in opposite directions to create the
music. You don't have to be inside one of the semi-circles to push it,
so there is potential for all sorts of playing. It's art, a musical
instrument, and a game.