It Can't Happen Here

Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
Binding by Minsky, 2018
gold, panel of 8-point type, acrylic
paint, artist's blood on
Vermont Vigilance.
First Edition, Doubleday, Doran & Company. Garden City, New
York, 1935. 8⅛" x 5¾" x 1⅞"

Box, 2018.

Box, interior, 2018.

It Can't Happen Here, First
Edition, 1935
in a
2018 Minsky binding of black
calf artist's blood, acrylic,
lead type with
Vermont Vigilance in a
drop-back box
a copy of
It Can't Happen Here in a
Minsky binding of alum-tawed
goatskin and
a different one in alum
tawed goatskin.
