In April, 2017
Richard Minsky was Artist-in-Residence
at the
RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection. He printed
Vermont Vigilance and other works on the same
Albion handpress acquired in 1895 by
William Morris for his Kelmscott Press
to produce the
Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. The
press was brought to the USA in 1924 by
artist and type designer
Frederic W. Goudy. The Minsky
residency was arranged by Dr. Steven K.
Galbraith, Curator of the Cary
Collection, and facilitated by Associate
Curator Amelia J Hugill-Fontanel. RIT
student Brendon Stowe assisted with the

Above: The
K-G Albion Handpress
Vermont Vigilance
fictional four page pamphlet in It Can't
Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
(1935), a novel in which a populist
president is elected in the USA and
becomes a demagogue. All laws were
made to benefit corporations. After
the 2016 election it became a
seller. Vermont
Vigilance is published by the
New Underground resistance on "an
old hand printing-press" stolen from
the basement of the newspaper office
where the protagonist was editor,
using 8 point type stolen a
pocketfull at a time. One way of
distributing the pamphlets was to
surreptitiously insert them into
other publications.
Vermont Vigilance printed on the Kelmscott-Goudy
Albion handpress
is not a reproduction, since the
original never existed as a real
artifact. It is set in typefaces
that were popular at the time the
story takes place (1938): Old
English for the masthead, 8 point
Times New Roman for the body, and
Goudy Sans for the headlines.

Above: The
Newsprint Edition
The content of this pamphlet
combines some text from the novel
with some created by Minsky. There
are two editions: six copies are on
newsprint, signed on the blank last
and numbered 1 to 6, and 32 copies
on Mohawk Superfine 80# text signed
and numbered 1-32.
The Newsprint and Superfine editions
are split between Minsky and RIT
Cary Collection, with Minsky having
odd-numbered copies and Cary having
the even numbers.
5½" x 7¾". Three printed
pages. Edition of 6.
Vermont Vigilance

Above: The
Superfine Edition
Superfine Edition.
5½" x 7¾". Three printed
pages. Edition of 32.
Vermont Vigilance
$75.00 |
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